Generating Personalized and Certifiable Workflow Designs: A Prototype
As the first level of a BPM strategy, being able to design event-oriented models of processes is a must-have competence for every modern business. Unfortunately, industrial procedures have reached a certain complexity making the designing task complex enough to discourage businesses facing the blank page. Moreover, the 21st century witnesses the emergence of myriads of norms and external regulations that businesses want to abide by. Although domain experts have a limited process modelling and norm interpretation knowledge, they know how to describe their activities and their sequencing. With progresses made in the artificial intelligence, particularly in the natural language processing domain, it becomes possible to automatize the task of creating a process in compliance with norms. This paper presents a business-oriented prototype assisting users in getting certifiable specific business processes. We detail the metamodel used to separately model norms and business’ existing procedures and then, the algorithm envisaged to deduce a corresponding cartography of processes.