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Welcome on the collection of the Industrial Engineering Center

Presentation of the research and training center

The industrial engineering center (CGI). is one of the three training and research centres of IMT Mines Albi, it is focused in the kinetics of organisations for the further development of methods and decision-making tools in heterogeneous, collaborative and uncertain contexts. Created in 1996, the CGI proposes an approach based on the representation, modelling, analysis and knowledge capitalisation of organisations. The specificity of the CGI is to combine a range of scientific expertise rarely found together, at the border between Industrial Engineering and Artificial Intelligence. The unit's work is structured around four scientific disciplines which are : 

  • data science
  • model engineering
  • knowledge-based engineering
  • operational research

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Ontologies Gestion de crise Supply chain risk management Complex event processing Organizations Business Process Management Constraint programming Decision Support Systems Collaborative network Incertitude Projet Planning Interopérabilité ADOxx Humanitarian supply chain Constraint satisfaction problem Risk Modeling Mediation Robustness Ontologie Physics Model-driven engineering Opportunity Adaptation Gestion des risques Conferences Risque Process mining Efficiency Business process management Modélisation Diagnosis Configuration Physical Internet Process Mining Simulation Knowledge management Uncertainty Bidding process Planification Risk management Big Data Information system Supply Chain Management Decision support systems Model transformation Collaborative process Crisis Management Logistics Interoperability Aide à la décision Risk Management Crisis Optimization Processus Optimisation Decision support Decision Support System Crisis management DDMRP BPRIM Coordination Decision Support Project Project management Collaboration Chaîne logistique Agility Supply chains Digital Twin Discrete event simulation Artificial intelligence Process Performance Metamodel Process model Système d'information Event logs Virtual reality Complex Event Processing Decision support system Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles Sustainability Innovation Modelling Ontology Design Supply Chain Supply chain Information systems Programmation par contraintes Supply chain management Decision Knowledge Product design Resilience Decision making Product configuration Framework