Présentation du LPT

Le LPT (UMR 5152, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique) est un laboratoire de recherche localisé sur le campus de l'Université de Toulouse. Il a été fondé en 1991 et a été créé administrativement en 2003. Les chercheurs du LPT étaient rattachés au Laboratoire de Physique Quantique au sein du Groupe de Physique Théorique. L'expertise du LPT couvre les domaines de la matière condensée et la matière molle ainsi que la physique statistique et la physique non-linéaire.

Le LPT est membre de la Fédération de recherche FeRMI (Fédération de recherche Matière et Interactions - FR2051), anciennement IRSAMC (Institut de Recherche sur les Systèmes Atomiques et Moléculaires Complexes).


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In condensed matter, Chiral Spin Liquids (CSL) are quantum spin analogs of electronic Fractional Quantum Hall states (in the continuum) or Fractional Chern Insulators (on the lattice). As the latter, CSL are remarquable states of matter, exhibiting topological order and chiral edge modes. Preparing CSL on quantum simulators like cold atom platforms is still an open challenge. Here we propose a simple setup on a finite cluster of spin-1/2 located at the sites of a square lattice. Using a Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) non-chiral spin liquid as initial state on which fast time-modulations of strong nearest-neighbor Heisenberg couplings are applied, following different protocols (out-of-equilibrium quench or semi-adiabatic ramping of the drive), we show the slow emergence of such a CSL phase. An effective Floquet dynamics, obtained from a high-frequency Magnus expansion of the drive Hamiltonian, provides a very accurate and simple framework fully capturing the out-of-equilibrium dynamics. An analysis of the resulting prepared states in term of Projected Entangled Pair states gives further insights on the topological nature of the chiral phase. Finally, we discuss possible applications to quantum computing.

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Chiral Spin Liquids (CSL) are quantum spin analogs of electronic Fractional Chern Insulators. Their realizations on ultracold-atom or Rydberg-atom platforms remain very challenging. Recently, a setup of time-periodic modulations of nearest-neighbor Heisenberg couplings applied on an initial genuine spin liquid state on the square lattice has been proposed to stabilize a (Abelian) Z2 CSL phase. In the high-frequency limit, it was shown that time evolution can be described in terms of a static effective chiral Hamiltonian. Here we revisit this proposal and consider drives at lower frequency in a regime where the high-frequency Magnus expansion fails. We show that a Dynamical CSL (DCSL) is nevertheless stabilized in a finite range of frequency. The topological nature of this dynamical phase, as well as its instability below a critical frequency, is connected to specific features of the Floquet pseudo-energy spectrum. We also show that the DCSL can be represented faithfully by a two-dimensional time-periodic tensor network and, as in the static case, topological order is associated to a tensor gauge symmetry (Z2 in that case).

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Within the Projected Entangled Pair State (PEPS) tensor network formalism, a simple update (SU) method has been used to investigate the time evolution of a two-dimensional U(1) critical spin-1/2 spin liquid under Hamiltonian quench [Phys. Rev. B 106, 195132 (2022)]. Here we introduce two different variational frameworks to describe the time dynamics of SU(2)-symmetric translationally-invariant PEPS, aiming to improve the accuracy. In one approach, after using a Trotter-Suzuki decomposition of the time evolution operator in term of two-site elementary gates, one considers a single bond embedded in an environment approximated by a Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group (CTMRG). A variational update of the two tensors on the bond is performed under the application of the elementary gate and then, after symmetrization of the site tensors, the environment is updated. In the second approach, a cluster optimization is performed on a finite (periodic) cluster, maximizing the overlap of the exact time-evolved state with a symmetric finite-size PEPS ansatz. Observables are then computed on the infinite lattice contracting the infinite-PEPS (iPEPS) by CTMRG. We show that the variational schemes outperform the SU method and remain accurate over a significant time interval before hitting the entanglement barrier. Studying the spectrum of the transfer matrix, we found that the asymptotic correlations are very well preserved under time evolution, including the critical nature of the singlet correlations, as expected from the Lieb-Robinson (LR) bound theorem. We also compute the time-evolution of the short distance spin-spin correlations and estimate the LR velocity.

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Motivated by the search for chiral spin liquids (CSL), we consider a simple model defined on the kagome lattice of interacting SU(3) spins (in the fundamental representation) including two-site and three-site permutations between nearest neighbor sites and on triangles, respectively. By combining analytical developments and various numerical techniques, namely exact Lanczos diagonalizations and tensor network variational approaches, we find a rich phase diagram with non-topological (``trivial") and topological (possibly chiral) gapped spin liquids (SLs). Trivial spin liquids include an Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT)-like phase and a trimerized phase, the latter breaking the inversion center between the up and down triangles of the kagome lattice. A topological SL is stabilized in a restricted part of the phase diagram by the time-reversal symmetry breaking (complex) 3-site permutation term. Analyzing the chiral edge modes of this topological SL on long cylinders or on finite disks, we have come up with two competing scenarios, either a CSL or a double Chern-Simon SL characterized by a single or by two counter-propagating Wess-Zumino-Witten SU(3)1 chiral mode(s), respectively. In the vicinity of the extended ferromagnetic region we have found a magnetic phase corresponding either to a modulated canted ferromagnet or to a uniform partially magnetized ferromagnet.

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When considering magnetic systems in the thermodynamic limit and at low enough temperature, one finds typically magnetically ordered phases. In contrast, in the high-temperature regime, the interactions between the spin degrees of freedom become less relevant and the system loses its order: this is a paramagnet. This phenomenon of phase transition has been well understood using statistical mechanics and simple modelling. In these short lecture notes, we will review the possibility that a many-body magnetic system may remain magnetically disordered down to zero-temperature, both for classical or quantum spins. These exotic phases of matter are known, respectively, as classical and quantum spin liquids. We will address in particular the question of classification of these classical or quantum disordered phases. Indeed, while they have no local order parameter by definition, they can still possess different qualitative features related e.g. to the nature of their correlations or elementary excitations, which could be probed experimentally.

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